Semanux at the Microsoft Inclusion Conference
What implications do barriers have in companies? And how can the use of accessibility technologies promote more collaboration? These topics were the focus of the Microsoft Inclusion Conference.
In business, inclusion is often marginalized and not yet part of everyday life. Microsoft wants to change this and has therefore organized a conference at the headquarters of Microsoft Germany in Munich to anchor inclusion more firmly in business. There were over 160 registrations for on-site participation and over 550 registrations for participation via Microsoft Teams. The conference was fully inclusive - from wheelchair access to sign language interpreters and quiet rooms, all attendees were accommodated.

Attendees of the conference and employees of Microsoft could try our software.
In addition to a presentation by Microsoft Germany CEO Marianne Janik on the importance of inclusion in business, we were also pleased to learn from the experiences of a range of people with disabilities. These perspectives reveal new ideas on how everyday work can be improved by raising awareness among other employees and knowledge about accessible options.
Semanux had the opportunity to present our products to the whole audience at the conference together with Chris Schmidt from Eye-Able and Vanessa Theel from SUMM in the panel "Inclusive product development - new on the market". Many thanks to Stefanie Trzecinski from KOPF, HAND + FUSS for the perfect moderation of the panel!
Because inclusion affects us all, and everyone can make a valuable contribution to advancing diversity, technological possibilities, and lived accessibility in companies and in our society.