Nomination at the CyberOne Hightech Award
We were nominated as a finalist in the CyberOne Hightech Award in the field of information and communication technology.
We have been nominated as one of three startups in the field of information and communications technology (ICT) in the CyberOne Hightech Award. The CyberOne Hightech Award has been honoring the most forward-looking business concepts of technology-oriented startups and companies since 1998. The award is organized by bwcon and presented on November 15 as part of the Hightech Summit at the L-Bank in Stuttgart.

Boostland filmed a quick feature about us.
Part of the nomination is a short introduction about us from Boostland, the video portal for and about startups. Just have a look and Raphael explains in a short and concise fashion what we offer with Semanux Access.