Web Seminar: Eye-Tracking with Semanux Access
Lukas will be giving a Web-Seminar on eye-tracking in Semanux Access on June 24.
Controlling the computer with just the power of a glance? This is already possible today with Semanux Access and a compatible eye tracker such as the second version of the eyeV Skyle. People with severe limitations in particular can use this operation to conquer the entire digital world with just their eyes. With Semanux Access, you can also combine eye control with other inputs as usual: Just how it works best for you!

The second version of the eyeV Skyle eye tracker.
Lukas will be giving a German-language Web-Seminar entitled "Eye-Tracking with Semanux Access" via Zoom on June 24 at 16:00-17:00 German time. Apart from the main topic, there will also be plenty of room for questions and suggestions. If you are interested in participating free of charge and without obligation, simply contact lukas@semanux.com!