

With the pause function, you can pause or resume interaction with Semanux Access as it suits your activities and tasks on the computer. For example, if you want to watch a movie, you will use Semanux Access to start the film; however, while the movie is running, the display of the track can be distracting. With the pause function, you can hide the track and enjoy the movie.

You can find the pause settings under Type of Settings: All > Interaction > Pause.

Settings window for the pause function

The Pause function pauses all interactions with Semanux Access until the pause is ended.

You can pause and resume Semanux Access in four ways:

  1. Via the context menu.
  2. Via the settings.
  3. Via the on-screen pause button.
  4. Via a predefined input.

If the checkbox Consider if Semanux Access was last paused at startup is checked, the last state of the pause will be restored the next time Semanux Access starts. This means that if Semanux Access was paused the last time it was closed, it will be paused again once restarted.

The context menu offers Pause now as an entry if Semanux Access is not currently paused, and End pause now if Semanux Access is paused. Simply click once to toggle the pause state.

Click the button Pause now or Resume now.

For this, the checkbox Show pause button at the edge of the screen must be checked. A square button with a pause icon in a black circle will then appear on the screen. There is also a colored, slightly transparent circle that moves with the input from the Express or Precision mode. You can either click the pause button or select it by moving the track over the pause button. When the track points to the pause button, the colored circle will encompass the black circle, and the area within the circle will darken. You can then click to activate the pause button.

Pause button

You can adjust the position of the pause button on the screen. The options Right, Bottom, Left, and Top set the edge of the screen where the pause button will be aligned. Using the Position of the pause button at the edge of the screen, you can set the height at which the pause button will be visible along the edge. The position is given as a percentage, where 0% represents the position farthest to the left (for bottom and top) or farthest up (for left and right). The pause button is set to a medium size by default, but you can display it larger or smaller using the Size of pause button at the edge of the screen option.

To use this option for pausing and resuming Semanux Access, you must specify an event. You can then use this event to both start and end the pause. Select an event from the drop-down menu under Input to pause or resume.

You can also enable the option Wait before pausing or resuming by setting a checkmark beforehand. This will apply a wait time to the activation of the pause. During this wait time, you can use a custom event to cancel the pause toggle. Select an event from the drop-down menu under Input to cancel wait for pausing or resuming. The wait time to toggle can be set as well. Choose one of the values under Duration of wait to pause or resume on the left side or use a custom value in the input field Value on the right side.

Toggle pause button

Frequent questions

It is normal for Semanux Access to continue accessing your webcam even though you have activated the pause. This is because you need to be able to end the pause in exactly the same way as you activated it - for example by moving your head. Otherwise you would always have to use the mouse and keyboard to end the pause.

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