
User Interface

After you have finished Installation and Setup and start Semanux Access for the first time, you will see something like this:

The interface of Semanux Access.

You might wonder why you only see your desktop (the image shows the Windows desktop; it looks slightly different but similar on macOS). Where is the program window for Semanux Access? There isn't one! And that's exactly the idea: With Semanux Access, you control other programs, so Semanux Access itself has no program window.

You can recognize that Semanux Access is running by a few small things:

  • Somewhere on your screen, you will likely see a small, colored circle – the so-called Trace. In the image above, you can see the trace in the center of the screen. Depending on the preset you selected, the trace moves as you move your head, let your gaze wander, or move the analog stick on your controller.
  • On the right edge, you will see a narrow colored bar, the so-called Panel. If you move the trace to this edge, the panel expands to its full size.
  • At the upper edge, slightly to the left, you will see the Pause Button.

These elements are the user interface of Semanux Access or part of it. The user interface is deliberately minimal so that it does not distract you when using your computer.

We explain what each element is for and how you can use them to control your computer and other programs without a mouse and keyboard in the rest of this chapter.

However, before we get to controlling other programs with Semanux Access, let's start with how Semanux Access itself is operated.

Until you have learned to operate without a mouse and keyboard, it is best to carry out the steps in this section using the mouse, or ask someone to help you who can use the mouse for you.

When you have started Semanux Access, you should find a small Semanux Access icon in the notification area of the taskbar.


The notification area of the taskbar is the following area in the lower right corner of your screen:

Standard notification area on Windows 11.

If you have not changed any settings, you will likely need to click the small arrow on the far left to display all taskbar icons and find the Semanux Access icon (see the red circle in the right image).

By clicking on this taskbar icon of Semanux Access, the context menu opens with the following entries:

Context menu after clicking the Semanux Access icon in the notification area of the taskbar on Windows 11.

  1. What's new?

    This opens the What's new? window, which notifies you about new features and improvements to the software after an update of Semanux Access.

    At the bottom of the window, you will find the checkbox Show this window after an update, allowing you to set whether the window should open automatically after each update.

  2. Redo setup

    This opens the automatic Setup Wizard that you used right after installing Semanux Access and allows you to reconfigure Semanux Access (see: First setup).

    Reconfiguration may be necessary because your Semanux account login details have changed, or you just want to go through all the basic settings again. Your settings will not be reset immediately. If you carry out a reconfiguration by clicking Next each time, nothing will change in your previous settings.

  3. Play tutorial

    This opens the window with the Tutorial. The tutorial helps you learn how to control Semanux Access. You can also play the tutorial just for fun.

  4. Open settings

    This opens the window with the Settings of Semanux Access. There you will find everything from inputs and interactions to button colors.


    You will find a few things under Redo setup instead of in the settings: logging into your Semanux account or entering the activation code, our Privacy Policy, the End User License Agreement, and on macOS the access rights release.

  5. Pause now or Resume from pause

    This toggles the Pause on or off.

  6. Open help

    This opens our Online Help Center.

  7. Quit Access

    This closes Semanux Access.


    You can also close Semanux Access at any time with the key combination Ctrl + Alt + ⇧ Shift + Q on Windows or ⌃ control + ⌥ option + ⇧ shift + Q on macOS, no matter what program you are currently in.

If you just started Semanux Access for the first time, you probably will not need any of these options yet. But just in case, now you know how to open the settings or close Semanux Access.


Depending on the preset you selected, you may also see the entries Align head and Calibrate eye tracker. We will explain these in the next section.


For easy access to the taskbar icon of Semanux Access, it is recommended to drag the Semanux Access icon with the mouse from the expanded list of taskbar icons to the permanent notification area of the taskbar:

Expanded notification area on Windows 11.

If you did it correctly, it should look like the image on the right.

You still have questions?

Get in touch with us! We are happy to help personally.