
Virtual keyboard

With the virtual keyboard you can type texts, control your music or trigger key combinations.

The virtual keyboard offers different views of letters, numbers, symbols and functions. Suitable for your different purposes.

  1. Letters. When you open the virtual keyboard, the usual letters for entering text appear first. This allows you to type anything from a search term to a letter.

    In the bottom row you will find auxiliary keys such as Ctrl, Alt, Shift, or the Windows key. These keys are actually only used in combination with other keys to enter key combinations. For example, many programs use the key combination Ctrl + S to save the current document. When you select an auxiliary key on the virtual keyboard, a dot appears on it. Now you can select another key in the array to enter a key combination. The Windows key is special because it is used for key combinations as well as calling up the start menu when pressed without any other keys. To access the start menu, you have to press the Windows key on the virtual keyboard twice. The first time the Windows key is activated for keyboard shortcuts, the second time it is pressed itself. In addition to the auxiliary buttons, you will also find a "More" button with which you can access the other views.

  2. Function keys. Under "More" you have the function keys F1 to F12 available, there are keys for controlling your media playback, changing the volume of your computer, controlling the brightness of your monitor (if technically supported by the monitor manufacturer) and arrow keys.

  3. Digits and Currencies. Under "Numbers and Currencies" you'll find Arabic numerals, separators like dots and commas, mathematical symbols like plus and minus, and some common currency symbols.

  4. Symbols. Under "Symbols" you will find a variety of brackets and symbols.

  5. Emojis. Under "Emojis" you will find common smileys for everyday use in the first view. In another view you will find a variety of different emojis for every situation.

For each letter you type on the virtual keyboard, we suggest possible word completions and matching emojis.

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